The best way to eat Desi ghee is to say Sadhguru, read the full article in Hindi

The best way to eat Desi ghee is to say Sadhguru, read the full article in Hindi

Eating Desi Ghee is very beneficial for health. It contains saturated fat, due to which eating it does not cause any harm to the heart. But if you eat it in the right way, then there is no danger to the body and heart. Desi Ghee is the life of the Indian kitchen. In simple words, the food of us Indians is incomplete without ghee.

We use ghee in many ways

We have been using ghee in our food for centuries. From enhancing the taste of food to compensating for the lack of nutrition and protein in the body, we Indians use a lot of ghee in our food. From roti, dal and curry to laddu and halwa, we add a lot of ghee in everything.

The right way to use ghee

According to the news published in Times of India, Sadhguru has told the way to eat Desi Ghee. According to Sadhguru, eating ghee with carbohydrates or ghee or sugar turns it into fat. And then it is not good for health. But if you eat ghee by adding it in hot water, then it improves your digestive system. Also, it lubricates the stomach and is good for a healthy digestive system.

We love the taste of ghee which melts in our mouths and makes even ordinary food extraordinary. But there is one thing, ghee undoubtedly makes our food delicious. But its real importance goes beyond the taste. The hidden power of ghee increases its ability to nourish the body.

Why is it beneficial to eat ghee in the morning?

When you wake up in the morning after a full night’s rest, your stomach is empty at that time. Therefore, eating ghee nourishes the digestive system. One spoonful of ghee is good on an empty stomach.

Why should one eat 1 spoon of ghee on an empty stomach?

The appetite to digest ghee may vary from person to person. But the truth is that when it comes to eating ghee, moderation is the key.

Starting your day with a spoon of Desi Cow Ghee on an empty stomach can give you many health benefits.

Promote digestion

Ghee is very good for your digestive system. It cures constipation naturally. Eating ghee in the morning speeds up metabolism. Weight also remains under control.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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